Zoobic Safari celebrates 15th Anniversary!

In celebration of the 15 Years Anniversary celebration of Zoobic Safari, the only Safari in the Philippines comes the “Binagbag Arts and Music Festival” which according to the organisers is the biggest Arts and Music activity in Subic with expected 5000 in attendance on May 17, 2019 at 5PM in the grounds of Zoobic Safari in Subic. Supported by Tag Media Group , Jollibee and Lemonsquare Coffee Break & Square Lava Cake , the event will be participated by different local and national artists like Franco, Dicta License, Anima Tierra, Momo DeMonster, The Brown Candles, 21st Fever, Reberde, Bushwaker among others who will participate in the music fest with RadioJock Ayi of UFM 105.5 and Anginell Topacio as hosts. May Gamir, COO of Zoobic Safari According to the Chief Operations Officer of Zoobic Safari, May Gamir , “Under the Yupangco Group of Companies,...