No Need to “Play Safe”: How to Switch Up Your Sex Life the Safe Way

When done right and with proper caution, very few things feel better than sex with your partner. But with all the misconceptions and inaccuracies surrounding the topic, many couples tend to be tentative with their approach, likely compromising the quality of their sex life. For one, a lot of people are too afraid or conscious to do more adventurous things with their partner simply because they don’t know what counts as “too much” or “safe enough”. Are dotted or glow-in-the-dark condoms safe to use? When is it okay to add sex toys and devices into the mix? Will your partner welcome the idea of using a lubricant? These are examples of often-unanswered questions that can lead to more inhibitions, which in turn cause you to play it safe for the sake of, well, being safe. When it comes to safe sex, there’s no such thing as too safe. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make room for new ideas and experiences that can help invigorate your sex life. Here are some things you can do to...